As you can imagine, throughout the years we get comments and questions from people of all walks of life! We are a very diverse church that encompasses many denominations, ethnic groups, and backgrounds. We are a ministry that meets people where they are. We respect everyone and have a genuine love for all people. It doesn't matter where you come from, what your past or present looks like, how much money you have, or what you look like, there is always a place for you.
When service starts you'll know it. Don't be afraid if it isn't something you're used to. Before long you'll get the hang of it. Our praise & worship is exciting, the overall tone you'll find is one of celebration and joy, where we are holding nothing back in worship of our God. Our team of musicians, praise leaders, choir, and sound/lighting coordinators have been preparing for just this moment. Their passion to take you into God's presence is contagious. You can feel the energy from the's like electricity that illuminates the atmosphere. You can't help but clap your hands and move with the rhythm.